How To Choose A New Computer

In the market for a new computer? Don't pay for add-ons you don't need.

Retail stores and discounters often sell computers as package deals. Instead of getting just the computer CPU, you get the computer, monitor, a printer and possibly some software as part of the deal

Although these may be good deals for people buying their first computer, they may not be a bargain in other situations.

That's because the computer, itself, may not have the bells and whistles you really want. For instance, if you're going to be using a lot of graphics programs, storing a lot of audio and video files, playing games, or expect to have several programs open at the same time, a computer that is part of a package deal may not have enough memory or a fast enough processor speed to suit you. Or, it may not have the version of Windows that's best for the way you plan to use the computer. Upgrades to memory and operating system can add a couple hundred dollars to your initial purchase price.

Furthermore, all those "free" goodies that come with the computer may not really meet your needs. If you need a laser printer for office correspondence, or a fast inkjet printer, the low-end inkjet printer that comes "free" with the package deal won't do you any good. And if the package deal comes with a 17-inch CRT and what you really want is a 19-inch flat panel monitor, you'll have to pay extra for the "upgrade." If you're planning to add on a wide monitor or a second monitor, you may need to change the graphics card, which will add more to the purchase price.

Unless you're buying your first computer or adding another computer to those you already own, software that's preloaded as part of a package deal may prove useless or unneeded as well.

Sometimes, of course, a package deal really is a bargain even if you throw out the printer or software that comes with it. To be sure you get the best price and the features you need, do your homework ahead of time. Make a list of the computer features you want such as CPU type and speed, memory, hard disk space, DVD or CD drives, speakers, monitor size, ideal weight (for notebooks), USB ports, built-in Bluetooth, etc. Below these specifications, list the monitor and printer you want, if any. Use your list of requirements to determine which computer or computer package deal to purchase.

If you can't find a package deal with all the features you want, shop online or at stores that let you "build" your own computer.

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